My name hanitasari widhayani you can call my daughter Hanita. I was born on 12 February 1994 in Semarang.
my graduated , I started my education from playgroup, playgroup at my son last coached in 1999 at the age of five and a half years I received in elementary school susukan 05 AM and I graduated in academic year 2005, after which I entered junior high school in the academic year 2005 in 106 junior high school jakarta and I graduated in 2008, after graduating junior high school I chose to go to vocational high school I majored in accounting and in 2011 ago I graduated from vocational high schools. and after graduating I continued studying at Gunadarma, I took the economics faculty of management majors until now.
My experience during my pursuit of my education has received job training at the vocational high school and I have run a school or college education and a program called the study Twining
About the weaknesses and strengths, I can not judge the weaknesses and my strengths seen by others
About the weaknesses and strengths, I can not judge the weaknesses and my strengths seen by others
maaf ya teman, mau kasih masukan nih sekarang kita udah masuk ke pembelajaran mata kuliah softskill sebaiknya blog anda disisipkan link Universitas Gunadrma yaitu guna sebagai identitas kita sebagai mahasiswa gunadarma dan juga salah satu kriteria penilaian mata kuliah softskill..terima kasih